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Re: ftp.br MD5Sum mismatch

Donald Norwood wrote:
> On 11/29/2012 07:34 AM, Carlos Carvalho wrote:
>> It's always been known. Note that this is different from the recent
>> problems in mirror scripts due to changes in apt and the repository.
> Would it make sense if the redirectors were aware of an updating mirror
> and forwarded traffic to another mirror between both updates (the
> mirror's and the instance's)?

The redirector already disables mirrors that reach the second stage of the 
sync, but it doesn't solve the problem entirely because it has to make the 
switch from one view to another at some point.

So we are back at the same problem: either some state information is stored, 
or the client is made more fault-tolerant.
The former can be done by the redirector but not by the mirrors, the latter 
by APT.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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