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Re: introducing http.debian.net

22.06.2012, 22:01, "Darren Baginski" <kickbsd@yandex.com>:
>>  I've been working on a project that provides an alternative to cdn.d.n. It
>>  is based on http redirections.
>>  An introduction can be found on the site itself[1], and a comparison to
>>  cdn.d.n at [2].
>>  I now have setup a test instance in a host in Canada to allow people to
>>  actually test and use the system. This host is http.debian.net.
> This is very bad idea, instead of having auto mirror selection mechanism you've implemented classical Single Point of Failure
> Proper implementation should loop over existing mirrors, starting with less latency/faster transfer and then fallback/load balance to another,
> if file is not available. Unfortunately your solution is not solution at all. Something close to proper implementation is used for fedora infrastructure.
> 3xx per file redirect is not a scale-able solution.

Since I can't contact author (Raphael Geissert) via personal email and
I'cant post into debian-devel-announce (subject: Introducing http.debian.net, Debian's mirrors redirector),
I will post my questions here:

Is there other developer involved in development?
Mind to share data how many 'redirect' were served?
Why do you think redirects is a good idea at all?
Am I understand code properly and you spawn perl cgi script per each file requested ?
I've tried to use that service but constantly getting 501 error.

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