Hi Simon,
I just made an attempt to sync with ftp.cl.d.o and these issues have not
been resolved. Is the mirror unattended by the admin?
Anyhow, I have set up a new full mirror in debian.nod.cl, which I have
submitted for inclusion in the mirror list
(http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=631220). Even though I
do not work for nod.cl, or have otherwise any other connections with the
site, I have agreed to maintain their mirror, and in return they have
agreed to sponsor it long term, with no bandwidth restrictions (not sure
I fully believe that). In any case, nod.cl and I have a gentleman’s
agreement and they will have my support as long as the agreement is
Although the mirror's bandwidth has not really been pushed to the limit,
it seems decent enough to qualify as official. If you like you can point
ftp.cl.debian.org to this new mirror.
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 06:07:22PM -0700, Ricardo Yanez wrote:
I'm syncing with ftp.cl.debian.org and couldn't help but finding a
series of errors:
rsync: opendir "/pool/main/g/geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec" (in debian)
Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/pool/main/g/geronimo-osgi-support" (in debian)
Permission denied (13)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous
(code 23) at main.c(1526) [generator=3.0.7]
These errors make the ftpsync invariably stop at the first pass.
I switched to ftp.br.debian.org and again I couldn't help but notice
that ftp.cl.debian.org speed is very slow in comparison, even though
syncing from Chile.
Thanks for your report Ricardo,
Admin Netlinux in copy: ftp.cl. is running an old version of ftpsync,
update it using http://www.debian.org/mirror/ftpmirror#how
We will point ftp.cl to ftp.br in a few days in the case this cannot be
fixed fast.
Thanks for mirroring Debian and best regards,
Simon Paillard