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Re: Please share your debian mirror setup

Mark Nellemann wrote:

we use the anonftpsync script to sync over rsync. We host the files over
http/ftp/rsync using Lighttpd, vsftpd and rsyncd.

How do you make lighttpd show the README.html files? I can't figure it out.

I use the following options:

dir-listing.show-readme = "enable"
dir-listing.show-header = "enable"
dir-listing.hide-dotfiles = "enable"

We are currently trying to build the ISOs using jigdo-mirror but the
documentation isn't very explicit. Can anyone comment on that? Detailed
instructions andor config files would be very welcomed!

Count me in on that!



Jean-François Chevrette [iWeb]
IT Architecture Specialist
Spécialiste de l'Architecture TI

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