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Change the non-us mirroring

Pandora is ready to be the new non-US master.  It is also functioning
as a top level mirror accessible via ftp, http, and anonymous rsync.

The apt lines to access it are:
  deb http://pandora.debian.org/debian-non-US stable non-US
  deb http://pandora.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable non-US/main non-US/contrib non-US/non-free
After the DNS changes, you can replace the above with nonus.debian.org.

Non-US mirrors, if you would like to convert your mirror to a push
rsync mirror, send me a private email, and I will mail you

Please also check who you are mirroring off of, you should not mirror from
a host named 'dresden' which is the old non-us. Mirroring off
non-us.debian.org is a good bet.


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