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mips: executable-stack-in-shared-library

[cc me please]

Dear mips porter,

Upstream of one of my package is trying to provide a fix for the
lintian report:executable-stack-in-shared-library (*)

Basically the patch is as follow (**):

if (HWY_ARCH MATCHES "mips")
  target_link_options(hwy PUBLIC "LINKER:-z,noexecstack")
endif (HWY_ARCH MATCHES "mips")

Could someone please confirm this is the "right" patch. I fail to
understand why each and every source package would need to change the
default LDFLAGS value...

Thanks for suggestion/help


(*) https://udd.debian.org/lintian/?packages=highway
(**) https://github.com/google/highway/issues/988

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