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Re: Help needed: Porting IRAF to s390

>>>>> "Ole" == Ole Streicher <debian-devel@liska.ath.cx> writes:

>         .globl zsvjmp_ .type zsvjmp_, @function zsvjmp_: movq %rsi,
> (%rdi) # store &status in jmpbuf[0] movl $0, (%rsi) # zero the value
> of status addq $8, %rdi # change point to &jmpbuf[1] movl $0, %esi #
> change arg2 to zero jmp __sigsetjmp # let sigsetjmp do the rest
> .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

> Since I have no experience with mips and mipsel machines and no glue
> at all for their assembler and the (C) calling conventions: could
> someone help me here?

I think this will work on mipsel and mipseb, on oabi32.  Did no testing
at all yet (and won't be able to do before late evening).  Note that
jumping to shared library code has to load address of routine into $t9
first for PIC code to work.  I wonder how that part would have to be
tweaked to be compatible with Mips nabi32?  The rest is already
NABI-compatible due to use of register aliases.

       sw  $a1, 0($a0)
       sw  $zero, 0($a1)
       addiu  $a0, $a0, 4
       move    $a1, $zero
       la      $t9, __sigsetjmp
       jr      $t9


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