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Attempting to install Debian Wheezy on Loongson3A system


I'm currently trying to run the Debian Wheezy installer on the Xinghuo
3A 6100 mini-itx computer [1].

I thought that just taking a working and "properly configured" kernel,
and booting it with a Debian mipsel installer initrd image from here [6]
should do the trick.  It used to work well back in the days on a Fuloong
6004 with the Debian Squeeze installer.

However, with my current attempts the installer fails at the "retrieving
installer components" step, i.e. pretty early.  I don-t understand much
about the D-I, and it doesn't output any helpful (log)messages, but it
looks like the

  anna net-retriever default

command may be the culprit.  Running it manually from the console
results in a segfault.  Checking my http proxy's logfile, the last thing
downloaded by the installer was this [5] Packages.gz.

I'm using the kernel built from linux-mips.org master [2] (859a350909),
my kernel config is [3] and the resulting image can be found here [4].

Any ideas how to progress any further?  Any ideas how a non-debian
kernel can interfere with the installer to result in segfaults?  



[1] http://www.lemote.com/products/computer/fulong/348.html
[2] git://git.linux-mips.org/pub/scm/ralf/linux
[3] http://mosquito.dyndns.tv/david/loongson/config-3.14.0-loongson3a-ralf
[4] http://mosquito.dyndns.tv/david/loongson/vmlinuz-3.14.0-loongson3a-ralf
[5] http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian//dists/wheezy/non-free/debian-installer/binary-mipsel/Packages.gz
[6] ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-mipsel/current/images/loongson-2f/netboot/

GnuPG public key: http://dvdkhlng.users.sourceforge.net/dk2.gpg
Fingerprint: B63B 6AF2 4EEB F033 46F7  7F1D 935E 6F08 E457 205F

Attachment: pgpIPDu6UqMCG.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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