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Re: Debian (or anything else) on an Origin 200

Jeremy Stanley wrote:

I think the prime contender at the moment is that it's trying to
talk to an non-existent framebuffer

And looking over the Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Installation Guide for
MIPS, the kernel does supposedly try to detect that you're invoking
it from a serial console:


(Though it's worth noting Debian-Installer does not claim support
for IP27, so that context may not be relevant anyway.)

With reference to that link, I've been trying things like

boot -f dksc(0,1,0)/vmlinux.ip27-20060906.img append="console=/dev/ttyS0"

without success. I think I need to spend time looking at the kernel options.

If I go quiet it's because I'm looking into it and also have other demands on my time, so if anybody has any suggestions I'm still here and would be very interested to hear them.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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