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Re: Bug#710307: valgrind: illegal instruction on mipsel

于 2013/5/30 20:53, Alessandro Ghedini 写道:
And here is the relevant assembly:
(gdb) disas
    0x380801c4 <+508>:	move	at,at
=> 0x380801c8 <+512>:	beq	v0,t0,0x380801e4 <preen_nsegments+540>
Older MIPS instruction set has no 'mul' instruction, normally it is mult/multu, which stores the results to hi/lo register pair instead of a general purpose destination register. Then use mfhi/mflo to use the result.

The binary must be compiled with one of the latest instruction set(I don't remember the exact version, maybe mips32r2/mips64r2). Compiling with -mips2 or something like that should be ok.
    0x380801cc <+516>:	mul	a2,v0,t3
    0x380801d0 <+520>:	addu	v0,a2,t2
    0x380801d4 <+524>:	lbu	a2,0(v0)
    0x380801d8 <+528>:	beqz	a2,0x380803b8 <preen_nsegments+1008>
    0x380801dc <+532>:	li	a2,819
    0x380801e0 <+536>:	sb	t1,1(v0)
    0x380801e4 <+540>:	addiu	a0,a0,1
I'm not much into MIPS, but there doesn't seem to be anything weird there. Could
someone from debian-mips shed some light on this?


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