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Letux 400 (Skytone Alpha 400) - please do help goldelico shift their stock


i don't know if you've seen the 3G mobile phone GTA04 drop-in
replacement PCB for the OpenMoko which dr schaller of goldelico is
developing, but it is successful: it makes phone calls, it works, it
doesn't go "bzzzzzt" due to RF feedback between the 3G modem and the

the issue is this: goldelico have a stock of Letux 400 devices (aka
Skytone Alpha 400 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skytone_Alpha-400)
which they need to shift, in order to be able to allocate funds to
purchasing the major parts for the GTA04.  the major parts for the
GTA04 have very long lead times, so if they can get parts in advance,
they get better pricing (and so does everyone) _and_ if someone orders
a device they can get it immediately rather than in 12 weeks+

so, i mention this because if anyone is looking either for a 7in MIPS
laptop _or_ just an embedded device (forget it's got a screen and
keyboard) _or_ is just looking to help out a completely open Project,
please do go buy those Letux 400s.


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