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Re: unsupporting Architecture: mips

Le vendredi 29 juillet 2011 18:53:16, Andreas Barth a écrit :
> Hi,

Hi Andeas,

> I just saw that openjdk-7 downloads files from the internet during
> binary build. Could we get that fixed please?

You refer to things like that (see below) in buildd logs ?
ln -sf /build/buildd-openjdk-7_7~b147-2.0~pre1-1-sparc-
CcVV7L/openjdk-7-7~b147-2.0~pre1/openjdk.tar.gz openjdk.tar.gz
if ! echo "4043a75c2c4385dd735f8dbbf2369311ce1b951217c9dbe9bba9609e24eb291e  
openjdk.tar.gz" \
	  | /usr/bin/sha256sum --check ; \
	then \
	  if [ -e openjdk.tar.gz ] ; \
	  then \
	    mv openjdk.tar.gz openjdk.tar.gz.old ; \
	  fi ; \
	  /usr/bin/wget http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea7-
forest/archive/3defd24c2671.tar.gz -O openjdk.tar.gz; \
	  if ! echo 
openjdk.tar.gz" \
	    | /usr/bin/sha256sum --check ; \
	  then echo "ERROR: Bad download of OpenJDK root zip"; false; \
	  fi; \
	fi ;
openjdk.tar.gz: OK

=> Since sha256sum of openjdk.tar.gz matches what's expected by Makefile, there 
is no download.

Is there something else that seems suspicious to you ? Please let me know.

Damien - Debian Developper

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