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Re: network isolation

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:06:17PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
> Hello,
> What I'm looking for, is a  way to run two servers on a single physical
> server. To be more precise, I'm in need for two name servers on the same
> machine.

Typically you do something like this by configuring multiple ip adresses (which
is needed anyway for multiple servers on same port) and bind the servers
to the individual ip adresses. Most daemons support ip adress specific binding.

But i fail to see the mips specific thing in here ...

Florian Lohoff                                                 f@zz.de
"Es ist ein grobes Missverständnis und eine Fehlwahrnehmung, dem Staat
im Internet Zensur- und Überwachungsabsichten zu unterstellen."
- - Bundesminister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble -- 10. Juli in Berlin 

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