Re: [pkg-mad-maintainers] Bug#568418: libmad0-dev: mpg321 compilation errors in mips and mipsel architectures.
On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 02:48:36PM -0500, Nanakos Chrysostomos wrote:
> Package: libmad0-dev
> Version: 0.15.1b-4
> Severity: important
> Justification: fails to build from source
> The new mpg321 version 0.2.11-1 has recently been uploaded (aims to close many bugs and provide new features) but fails to compile to mips and mipsel architectures.
> The problem seems to be in mad_f_mul function which reports an impossible constraint error in 'asm'.
> Below is the link [0] of the buildd log file from the mips architecture. It is the same for the mipsel also.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris.
> [0]:
Can someone please take a look at this? I have no clue about
mips assembler.
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