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Re: yeeloong wifi works :)

Quoting Graziano Sorbaioli <graziano@gnu.org>:

> Hash: SHA1
> D-- updated his own kernel for the Lemote Yeeloong.
> With the following one my wifi works perfectly! :))
Great Graziano!

Could you please update the gNewSenseToMips wiki page?

Grazie mille!

> <D-->
> <D--> do that one first. It's the new kernel. Couple small changes.
> Nicer loongson icon during boot. You need this one to match the modules
> <D--> NEXT
> <D-->
> <D--> that's the package I just invented
> <D--> It will install all the new wifi modules and the overclocking
> module, then runs depmod automatically
> <D--> nice because if you remove it, it will take them back out and run
> depmod again
> \\\\\\\\\
> Doing the previous passages it worked for me.
> If it didn't for you try the following ones.
> \\\\\\\\\
> <D--> these should be the best yeeloong kernels out right now I guess.
> it's compiled with a lot more optimizations than -yeeloong and has the
> extra modules
> <D--> If it oesn't work immediately, do the following:
> <D--> #ifconfig
> <D--> note whether your wifi is wlan1 or wlan0
> <D--> next,:
> <D--> vi /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
> <D--> if you have a wlan1 and wlan0, swap their numbers.
> <D--> then reboot
> <D--> This should replace your currently installed kernel since only the
> version# changed.
> <D--> (if you still have 20090203)
> <D--> To know if it worked, run "lsmod"
> <D--> if you see 5 lines about ieee80211 and r8187, you got it
> <D--> if you just see rtl8187, then it didn't work
> - --
> Graziano Sorbaioli -- www.sorbaioli.org
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