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Re: local Mirror for installing Qube2?

Guido Zeiger <guido.zeiger@mailprocessor.de> writes:

> Hi Goswin,
> Debmirror looks like a good tool for my needs :-)
> (and debmirror's is  Maintainer: Goswin von Brederlow
> <brederlo@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> :-)) )
> On the german Webpage  http://www.lug-untermain.de/howto/debmirror.php
> I did find the following commandline for a i386 mirror....
> #!/bin/bash
> su mirror -c "debmirror /mirror/debian --progress --nosource
> --host=ftp2.de.debian.org --root=/debian --dist=woody,sarge,sid
> --section=main,contrib,non-free --arch=i386 --cleanup --getcontents"

Lets see:

Some basic options:
You probably want progress    : -v
Source or no source           : --source | --nosource
You seem to be german         : -h ftp.de.debian.org -r debian -e http
No woody for D-I and only main: -d sarge,sid -s main,main/debian-installer
You need only mips            : -a mipsel
Cleanup of obsolete debs      : --postcleanup

That gives you a full mipsel mirror of debian main: 31045 MiB (with source).

If you want to further reduce the mirror space its best to split the
jobs into easy parts.

1. Lets get everything from section "debian-installer" with source:

OPTS="/my/mirror -v -h ftp.de.debian.org -r debian -e http -d sarge,sid -s main,main/debian-installer -a mipsel"

SECTIONS=$(echo admin comm devel doc editors electronics embedded games gnome graphics hamradio interpreters kde libdevel libs mail math misc net news oldlibs otherosfs perl python science shells sound tex text utils web x11 | tr " " "|")

debmirror $OPTS --noclean --source --exclude-deb-section="base|$SECTIONS"

(43 MiB)

2. Lets get everything with section base without source:

debmirror $OPTS --noclean --nosource --exclude-deb-section="debian-installer|$SECTIONS"

(118 MiB)

3. You need all packages of priority required, important and standard:

debmirror $OPTS --noclean --nosource --limit-priority="required|important|standard"

(172 MiB)

4. You also need some extra packages like the kernel-image

debmirror $OPTS --noclean --nosource --exclude=".*" --include="kernel-image.*"

(87 MiB)

5. We used --noclean above (which is very important) but you might
want to clean up obsolete debs. Its also a good time to get the
Contents-mipsel.gz otherwise they would get removed here.

debmirror $OPTS --clean --source --max-batch=1 --getcontens

This will always download one more package but it can't be helped at
the moment. Unfortunatly --max-batch=0 disables max-batch but I will
fix that soon. For testing purposes you can use "--dry-run" which
won't change your mirror (except .temp) but tells you what would

Also note that the size infos don't add up. The filters do have some
overlaps so the total will be less. Debmirror will not download files
twice so don't worry about overlaps.



OPTS="/my/mirror -v -h ftp.de.debian.org -r debian -e http -d sarge,sid -s main,main/debian-installer -a mipsel"

SECTIONS=$(echo admin comm devel doc editors electronics embedded games gnome graphics hamradio interpreters kde libdevel libs mail math misc net news oldlibs otherosfs perl python science shells sound tex text utils web x11 | tr " " "|")

debmirror $OPTS --noclean --source --exclude-deb-section="base|$SECTIONS"
debmirror $OPTS --noclean --nosource --exclude-deb-section="debian-installer|$SECTIONS"
debmirror $OPTS --noclean --nosource --limit-priority="required|important|standard"
debmirror $OPTS --noclean --nosource --exclude=".*" --include="kernel-image.*"
debmirror $OPTS --clean --source --max-batch=1 --getcontens

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