Debian-MIPS-RAQ2 NetBoot Install
Greetings and hello
We are trying to get a RaQ2 we have laying around (well shipped to us for
this purpose) to get a stable build of Debian on so we can start building
production DNS servers so we can keep these blue pizza boxes viable:)
I have followed the how to from Paul Martin
And we are using a Debian Woody server as the DHCP and NFS source machine.
Unfortunately we are an all Mac desktop environment so using the how to from
Martin Michlmayr at may not
work for us, though last case will be to take our Voice Mail server off-line
and try that.
Has anyone used Paul's method and noticed any omissions that may be keeping
us from installing? Tailing the logs show the RaQ requesting an IP, the
server giving that assignment, and the server shows:
rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from for /nfsroot
In Paul's how to he refers to /nfsroot and also /mnt/nfsroot and states to
place the vmxlinux_raq-2800.gz in /nfsroot but keeps referring to
/mnt/nfsroot, I also have the nfsroot.tar.gz package, and his how to doesn't
make it clear on where to place this package, we tried both /nfsroot and
We are using a firewall on the Debian server, are there ports I need to open
to get the Raq to be able to grab the package? We opened 111, 600 and NFS to
our Public block.
I can post what we have done if needed. I am reading as much as I can take
in from the Debian-Mips mailing list as well as Googled the MIPS list.
Any pointers or older posts would be appreciated.
Sorry if this is a rehash of old questions, I accept any lashings I so
deserver ;[
David Thurman
The Web Presence Group
Web Development/E-Commerce/CMS/Hosting/Dedicated Servers
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