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Re: buildd depend on gcc-3.3

Geert Stappers wrote:
> Hello mipsel people,
> >From http://m68k.bluespice.org/buildd/mipsel_Dep-Wait.html
> I got this information:
> gcc-3.3 (>> 1:3.3.3ds0-0pre0)  [gcc-3.3_1:3.3.3ds2-0pre2 [Installed rmurray-repeat]]
>   amule_1.2.4-1  [rmurray-repeat]
>   conglomerate_0.7.8-1  [rmurray-repeat]
>   devhelp_0.7-7  [rmurray-repeat]
>   encompass_0.5.99.3-3  [rmurray-repeat]
>   epiphany-browser_1.0.6-1  [rmurray-repeat]
> How should I read that information?

The mentioned packages need the newer gcc-3.3....0pre2, which is compiled
but probably not yet installed in the buildd environment. Or these
packages are just not rescheduled yet because the buildd is busy with
more important packages.


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