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ip22 boot and install from CD only

In response to many requests about installing Woody on Indys and Indigo2s using only CDs (i.e. without netbooting) , you are welcome to try my "boot disc" iso image for use on the ip22 architecture.
the URL is:


Just extract the iso image from
This image uses the installer from
which has ISO9660 support compiled into it, allowing the install discs (available from various Linux vendors) to be mounted locally. It also has an SGI disk label which points to the boot file.
I have tested it on my R4600 Indy, and with an external CD-ROM drive you can boot the installer directly by escaping into the Indy PROM monitor and selecting "Install System Software".
If this approach does not work (e.g. due to PROM version variants), you should try one of the following commands within the PROM monitor command line
boot -f scsi(0)cdrom(x)partition(8)sashARCS
boot -f scsi(0)disk(x)partition(8)sashARCS
where x is the scsi id of the CD-ROM drive.The alternate filename "ip22" instead of "sashARCS" should also work.
I do not have an Indigo2, so reports of the success or failure of this boot disc on such machines would be welcome.
Bruce Murray

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