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Selecting between kernel images

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	Just wondering, I occasionally try to roll my own kernel for the Indy
I've got here, I'd like to move it up to 2.6.0-test4 (probably vanilla
source if it's close enough to mips) however, I've got a minor problem
installing multiple kernel images.

	What I normally do is I build the kernel, then dump the kernel image
into the volume header using dvhtool.  However, for some reason, the
volume header on this box was set to about 5 cylendars in size, by the
Debian installer, and I usually end up removing the old kernel image
(copying it to the root partition) and replacing it with the image.

	This works fine -- except that if the kernel doesn't work (which has
been every time thus far), I have to open the box up, plug in the SCSI
CD-ROM drive into the cable and boot off the Debian boot CD in order to
restore the old kernel image.

	Is there a better way of doing this, and if so, where can I find out
some more information?

	Also on an unrelated topic -- Debian Woody defaults to using EXT3,
which I've found to be rather clunky.  Is it possible to specify another
filesystem such as XFS or ReiserFS instead of EXT3?
- --
| Stuart Longland           stuartl at longlandclan.hopto.org |
| Brisbane Mesh Node: 719             http://stuartl.cjb.net/ |
| I haven't lost my mind - it's backed up on a tape somewhere |
| Griffith Student No:           Course: Bachelor/IT (Nathan) |
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