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Indy NFS-root mini installation manual.

This describes a root-nfs install of woody on an Indy. I needed several pieces of info that weren't in one place. I also ran into problems getting around the nfs locking promlem for a root install. Hope this proves usefull for someone.

the setup;
dhcp, tftp server running redhat 7.2 @
/tftpboot contains tftpboot.img
/tftpboot/indiana is a clean drive mounted for the install. indiana is going to be the indys hostname.
/mnt/debmips is the debian install disk 1 image mounted with;
#mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path-to-image /mnt/debmips

indy at with the following prom settings;

SystemPartition bootp():
OSLoader	vmlinux
OSLoadPartition	/dev/nfs
OSLoadOptions   ip=bootp

these settings work for install and nfs-root so I think the OSLoader env gets overwritten by the dhcpd.conf setting.

I'm using dhcp-3.0. There were several problems with earlier versions including having to 'unsetenv netaddr' in the prom for every boot and locking problems. Upgrade.

My /etc/dhcpd.conf:

ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
subnet netmask {}
subnet netmask {}

host indiana{
	always-reply-rfc1048 on;
	hardware ethernet 08:00:69:06:e7:9e;
	option host-name "indiana";
	option domain-name-servers;
	option routers;
	filename "tftpboot.img";

my /etc/xinit.d/tftp:

service tftp
 socket_type		= dgram
 protocol		= udp
 wait			= yes
 user			= root
 server		= /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
 server_args		= -l -s /tftpboot
 disable		= no

my /etc/exports;


I have /tftpboot/indiana AND /tftpboot in there because I seem to remember exports don't span filesystems. Doesn't hurt, anyway.

boot the indy. On an earlier version of dhcpd the only way i could start a boot was to select "run diagnostics" from the prom menu. This went away when I upgraded to 3.0

do the config, including hostname and network setup, up to 'mount previously init partition'

select 'execute shell'

#mount -t nfs -o nolock /target

continue with install up to (not including) 'install base packages', execute a shell.

run this script (from section 6.8.1 of deb-mips installation manual, modified):

mount -t nfs -o nolock /instmnt
cd /target
mkdir x
cd x
for i in g/glibc/libc6 t/tcp-wrappers/libwrap0 p/portmap/portmap n/nfs-utils/nfs-common
  ar -x /instmnt/pool/main/$i''_*.deb
  zcat data.tar.gz | tar xv
umount /instmnt

#umount /target
#mkdir /temp
#mount -t nfs -o nolock /temp

run this script;

mkdir -p /var/lib/nfs
cd /temp/x
for i in portmap rpc.statd
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib sbin/$i

#mount -t nfs /target

now 'mount' should show the lock option for /target. At this point you should be able to continue with the install.

The install program kept hanging for me on the 'trying to detemine what's next' screen at this point. A ctrl-C restarted it.

Now we should be at 'reboot the system'

on the server;

in /etc/xinitd/tftp change server_args to;

server_args = -l -s /tftpboot/indiana

in /etc/dhcpd.conf change filename to;

filename "vmlinux";

restart xinit and dhcpd

now we should be able to boot into our system. The installation manual says the provided kernel doesn't have CONFIG_ROOT_NFS, in fact it does. Any guesses on how long it would have taken me to install gcc and compile a kernel in a chroot enviroment on a 48 meg indy 4000sc/100Mhz with no swap?

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