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Re: question on cobalt qube 2 support

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 07:36:53PM +0100, Andre Schulze wrote:

> currently i am using NetBSD 1.5.1 on my cobalt qube 2. Since i really don't
> get a kernel to compile with this port i am thinking about switching
> to linux (i want IPv6 which isn't in the stock kernel).
> So how good is the qube supported? Yes i read it _is_ supported and that
> only the installation is missing (debootstrap ?).
> But it is stable enough for production and does one get a kernel to
> compile (the one from oss.sgi.com i suppose)?

I cannot say anything about the state of the oss kernel tree on cobalt
hardware, but if you get a kernel running on your box, I can try to
get support for the machine into the debian installer. What I need for
this is a .config for the kernel you use and the output of
"cat /proc/cpuinfo" on your cube2. If you need an NFS-root for testing,
you can build one with debootstrap:

debootstrap --arch mipsel woody /my/nfs/root/dir/ ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian

If you have further questions, feel free to ask.

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