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Re: Weird TFTP Problems while booting an SGI Indy

Erich Schubert wrote:
> I get some very irritation Problems while booting an indy from network.
> BootP and TFTP are setup (on a debian x86 box) and appear to work.
> (tftp to the local machine does work)
> booting the indy via tftp fails after the transmission of the first
> Block of the Kernel.
> ---
> i'm running 2.4.5 on my server box, and i did do
> "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc" (otherwise i'd get an
> error even earlier)
> when i tell the indy to
> # boot -f bootp()vmlinux init=/bin/sh nfsroot=
> it does a successful bootp request
> > Setting $netaddr to
> and starts downloading the kernel
> > Obtaining vmlinux from server
> > 1503232
> But it then times out and fails
> > Error loading text section: cnt=0x130, expected 0x16f000.
> > Unable to load [...]: no such device

Hi guys,

I'm doing the Indigo R4000 port of NetBSD and ran into exactly this
problem. There's a bug in the Indy/Indigo PROM that only allows tftp
transfers below 32767. All ports above 32767 don't work. Either hack
tftpd to respond to ports <= 32767 or set the appropriate kernel
variables. There's an Irix problem report about this in their archives
somewhere. If anyone's interested, I'll dig it out.


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