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XFree86 problems on an Indy


 I have installed debian-mips in and Indy and I have a couple of questions:

	o How do I use the mouse, I currently can't run X because they
	  can't find the mouse.
	  	o I read somewhere that I needed PS/2 support, but the
		  prebuild kernel seams to have no PS/2 support.
		o Even MAKEDEV knows nothing about psaux.
		o There is some kind of streams-mouse which I don't know
		  how to use.
	o Where are the sources of the prebuild kernel?, so I could build
	  it myself.

	o I am trying to build ssh and will probably try with some other
	  stuff, if I succed, what should I do to contribute the debs? I
	  guess mentioning it here and with a binary only NMU.

	o If this works debian will run on 4 Indy's (CPU: R4600 133MHz
	  RAM: 96MB) at Salamanca University (Spain) and I will try to
	  make them as available as posible the debian-mips port ( keep
	  in mind that I am just a student and may not be allowed to do

 Thanks for a great job.

--- Manuel Estrada Sainz <ranty@debian.org>
------------------------ <ranty@soon.com> ---------------------------------
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to
change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

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