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Re: Woody on Cobalt (RaQ/Qube)

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 22:16:49 +0200
Karsten Merker <karsten@excalibur.cologne.de> wrote:

> I had tried to work on installer support for the cobalt mips systems,
> but as I have no cobalt hardware and nobody I asked was willing to give
> me the needed information and test the kernels I had built, this has
> been put to sleep until either I get appropriate hardware or somebody
> is willing to give me the needed information and do the testing.

I'll test when I have the time. What do you require?

  Erik de Castro Lopo  nospam@mega-nerd.com (Yes it's valid)
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  -- Bruce Ide in letter to LWN editors

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