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Re: bootable CDs for mipsel [was: Reading fibmap]

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 04:57:28PM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-04-28 at 17:26, Karsten Merker wrote:
> > I have attached a /usr/share/debian-cd/tools/boot/woody/boot-mipsel
> ...
> > Running this script requires objcopy (part of binutils), or, when
> > not running on mipsel, mipsel-linux-objcopy (objcopy ist platform
> > specific, so for creating a bootable mipsel CD on i386 you need
> > installed mipsel-cross-binutils).
> So, where can I find this (for i386)?  

mipsel-cross-binutils are not packaged for Debian, so you can either
build them yourself or use an alien-generated .deb from Maciej Rozycki's


(or as Source-RPM: ftp://source.rfc822.org/pub/mirror/ftp.ds2.pg.gda.pl/pub/macro/SRPMS/mipsel-linux-binutils-2.12-1.src.rpm

I use the alien-converted version of Maciej's package on my i386 woody 
system and it works without problems.

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