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Bug#979188: Maintaining git-subrepo in Debian?

Dne 11.03.2024 (pon) ob 20:18 +0100 je Daniel Gröber napisal(a):
> Hi Samo,
> wouldn't you know it I've become a DD before I got a response to the
> git-subrepo ITP/RFS ;) I also completely forgot about it until I needed it
> just now.
> Are you still interested in maintaining git-subrepo in Debian?
> I'm trying to limit my personal packaging work to stuff I actually use on a
> regular basis and apparently subrepo is not that essential, but as a DD I
> can now sponsor any uploads and help you with figuring out the Debian
> workflow and such though.
> My packaging from way back when is at
> https://salsa.debian.org/dxld/git-subrepo if you feel like it. Probably
> needs a once over to check for updates necessary changes tho.
> Thanks,
> --Daniel

Hi Daniel,

please excuse me for my late response, but my situation from 2020/21 when we
proposed the git-subrepo ITP changed in a way that i am spending most of my free
time off-line. With this on mind i am not sure, if i am responsive enough for a
maintainers job (i might be off-line for a few weeks from time to time).

However, i am tempted to push this through and give git-subrepo more audience.
Unfortunately i am more experienced in embedded Linux (yocto / openembedded /
bitbake) than in debian packaging and my desktop is more or less Ubuntu.

If you think that may shortcomings aren't that much of a showstopper, feel free
to send me your procedures/commands to deal with your salsa/git-subrepo repo.

I would very much appreciate any guidance regarding debian packaging procedures
and needed packaging/testing environment.

And of course congratulations on becoming a DD!

best regards, Samo

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