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Re: Bug#1068101: RFS ping mini-httpd/1.30-10 -- Small HTTP server

Thanks for your help !

> I had a look.
> It's not called "SystemD".
You're correct, I'll fix the typo :)
> Why is this line commented?
> #PrivateUsers=yes
This should have been deleted. I will fix that. I was doing some
experiments with PrivateUsers which turned out to make CGI scripts
unusable, so it's off the table.
> I think your patch presumes that the filesystem is utf-8 encoded and
> would 
> break in other (admittedly rare) cases. Just FYI.

This is fine; The utf8 charset encoding is sent when the client
requests directory listings and error pages (that's what the patch
does). This is standard, expected behaviour for a web server. (From the
web: Because it is the default all modern browsers will use utf-8
without being explicitly told to do so. It remains in meta data as a
common good practice)
> Commits on salsa introduce unrelated changes in 1 single commit.
> Did you submit the patches to upstream? Is upstream active?

Upstream is sadly defunct for all intents and purposes. Patches have
been forwarded long before I took over mini-httpd (a year ago) and no
news were heard for a really long time. I think the last upstream
release happened more than 5-6 years ago (1.30). That's the reason
we're on 1.30-10 now :). I discussed these matters with other members
in Debian as well; I could forward everything but sadly as far as I
know, nobody would read them. We're the upstream for now.
> Your changes to the .service file might break CGI scripts that might
> be having 
> access to all sort of things. I think a news file should be added to
> warn users 
> of the possibly breaking changes.
You're right, a news file is in order. I will start writing one today.
The good part is that the systemd service is rather new (2 releases
ago) so not many people adopted it yet. The chance of functioning
setups just breaking is lower, then. I will write a news entry, anyway.
Thanks for your review, I'll have a better release ready in a bit.

Have a great one,
Alexandru Mihail

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