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Re: How to name a similiar package?

On 2024-03-17 14:09 +0100, Sven Wick wrote:
> Hi,
> I maintain the package **ssh-tools**
> and upstream as well.
> These are a mix of Bash and Perl scripts.
> Recently I do more stuff with Go
> and have new tools written in Go
> and don't want to mix them with the Bash and Perl Scripts
> because that would be difficult to package (also for other Distros and OSes).

> Currently it's ssh-toolz (with a "z")
> since I found examples like **python3-toolz**.
> But I also thought about ssh-tools2 sind there is **wget2**.
> Any suggestion what the best practice is to name similar packages?

Are the new tools replacements or additional? I don't see why adding a
3rd language to the 2 already used makes things 'hard to package', but
obviously if you want to have a separate upstream repository
(e.g. because you want to supesede the old repository eventually) then
that's up to you as upstream.

> I am not sure how to name the new tools upstream repo
> and therefore the package name.

If the new stuff is intended to be a replacement then ssh-tools2 or
ssh-tools-ng (for 'next generation') are typical patterns. If they are
just more tools then ssh-tools-extra would make sense, or just keep
them all in one package/repo as 'ssh-tools' which I think users would
like best.

ssh-toolz is fine as a name, but obviously users will have no idea
what the difference between ssh-tools and ssh-toolz is, so at least be
very clear in the long description, and give a clue in the short one
if possible.

And thanks for thinking about it before it's too late to fix. Names that
are clear to users are definitely helpful.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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