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Re: Maintaining a Package as a Non-Software Developer

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 06:28:15AM +0100, earache_curtsy750@simplelogin.com wrote:
> Hello Debian Mentors,
> I am a sysadmin who manages dozens of Debian servers. I also use Debian for my personal computing. I am very thankful to the Debian project and would love to give back to it somehow.
> I was thinking that maintaining one or more packages would be a great way to do this. I know a bit of Java and C but do not write code on a regular basis (other than bash scripts).
> I am asking for a sanity check on whether or not this is a good idea, or if the work of maintaining a package is only plausible for highly skilled software engineers.
There are many packages that don't contain code or contain some simple
things. There are also many software projects that are trivial to package
and maintain because they are written using all the best practices and
never get serious breakages requiring the maintainer to study and fix the


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