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Re: Maintaining a Package as a Non-Software Developer

Hi Zach,

earache_curtsy750@simplelogin.com, on 2024-02-28:
> I am a sysadmin who manages dozens of Debian servers. I also use Debian for my personal computing. I am very thankful to the Debian project and would love to give back to it somehow.
> I was thinking that maintaining one or more packages would be a great way to do this. I know a bit of Java and C but do not write code on a regular basis (other than bash scripts).
> I am asking for a sanity check on whether or not this is a good idea, or if the work of maintaining a package is only plausible for highly skilled software engineers.

We welcome contributions independently of contributors
background; this is important so people have complementary
skill sets to prepare something as complex as an operating
system: integrating programs of course, but also translation
work, art themes, etc.

In particular, as a packager, one deals mostly with build
systems, not necessarily with upstream programming languages
(although this can be useful when dealing with bug reports), and
I found out my own IT background served me immensely for such
work.  I would thus encourage you to investigate further which
packages you would like to help maintain in Debian.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
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   `-    on air: Karmakanic - Two Blocks From The Edge

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