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Re: Bug#1064346: New upload with fixes


I am very impressed with the work you have put into this package.  As long as 
you are willing to commit to working on addressing the documentation not being 
built at compile time issue in the future, I would be willing to sponsor the 
upload without resolving it for this release because 1) all the source is 
provided and can be build by the user with the compiled highlight binary, 2) 
as has been discussed, this is a very difficult issue to resolve, 3) your 
packaging work already significantly improves the status of the package in 

In reviewing the package, I have just a few small notes you should address 
before it is uploaded.

1.  Lintian produces the following warning, which is easy to resolve by 
changing the build-depends to use the current package name.

W: highlight source: build-depends-on-obsolete-package Build-Depends: pkg-
config => pkgconf
N:   The package build-depends on a package that has been superseded. If the
N:   superseded package is part of an ORed group, it should not be the first
N:   package in the group.
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: fields/package-relations

2.  The upstream copyright information appears to be out of date.

Files: *
Copyright: © 2002-2010 Andre Simon <as@andre-simon.de>
License: GPL-3+

The upstream source code doesn’t provide copyright dates in a centralized 
place (as far as I could tell).  But a number of files indicate they were 
created after 2010.  For example, README.adoc contains the following text near 
the top of the document.

André Simon
v4.9, October 2023


P.S.  As a side note, Lintian also produces the following info.

I: highlight source: debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri http://www.andre-simon.de/
zip/download.html [debian/watch:2]
N:   The watch file uses an unencrypted transport protocol for the URI such as
N:   http:// or ftp://. It is recommended to use a secure transport such as
N:   HTTPS for anonymous read-only access.
N:   Upstream may already provide a HTTPS variant of the URI. If not, please
N:   contact them and ask them to consider adding one.
N:   Visibility: info
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: debian/watch

Dealing with this is not necessary for this upload, but if you haven’t already 
done so you might consider contacting upstream and asking them if they could 
enable HTTPS on their website.

On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 11:32:21 PM MST Shriram Ravindranathan wrote:
> Thank you Soren and Bastien,
> I have uploaded a new version of highlight
> <https://mentors.debian.net/package/highlight/>changes since last upload:
>   - Add sources to d/missing-sources/
>   - Add lintian overrides for all missing-sources with the paths to the 
> sources
>   - Add copyright stanzas for newly added missing-sources
>   - Add d/p/0004-escape-groff-backslash.patch (Fixes groff syntax error 
> and lintian warning)
> -- 
> Shriram Ravindranathan

Soren Stoutner

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