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Re: Bug#1064077: RFS: qt5ct/1.8-1 -- Qt5 Configuration Utility


When compiling locally on my system, the current version of lintian (2.117.0) 
found the following problems.  These are not displayed on mentors.debian.net, 
leading me to believe they were recently added checks.

W: qt5ct: link-to-shared-library-in-wrong-package usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
libqt5ct-common.so.1.8 [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libqt5ct-common.so]
N:   Although this package is not a "-dev" package, it installs a
N:   "libsomething.so" symbolic link referencing the corresponding shared
N:   library. When the link doesn't include the version number, it is used by
N:   the linker when other programs are built against this shared library.
N:   Shared libraries are supposed to place such symbolic links in their
N:   respective "-dev" packages, so it is a bug to include it with the main
N:   library package.
N:   However, if this is a small package which includes the runtime and the
N:   development libraries, this is not a bug. In the latter case, please
N:   override this warning.
N:   Please refer to Development files (Section 8.4) in the Debian Policy
N:   Manual for details.
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: libraries/shared/links
N:   Renamed from: non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink
W: qt5ct: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libqt5ct-common1.8
N:   The package name of a library package should usually reflect the soname of
N:   the included library. The package name can determined from the library
N:   file name with the following code snippet:
N:    $ objdump -p /path/to/libfoo-bar.so.1.2.3 | sed -n -e's/
^[[:space:]]*SONAME[[:space:]]*//p' | \
N:        sed -r -e's/([0-9])\.so\./\1-/; s/\.so(\.|$)//; y/_/-/; s/(.*)/\L&/'
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: libraries/shared/soname
I: qt5ct: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libqt5ct-common.so.
N:   Although the package includes a shared library, the package does not have
N:   a symbols control file.
N:   dpkg can use symbols files in order to generate more accurate library
N:   dependencies for applications, based on the symbols from the library that
N:   are actually used by the application.
N:   Please refer to the dpkg-gensymbols(1) manual page and
N:   https://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles for details.
N:   Visibility: info
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: debian/shlibs

As noted in the text of the checks, there are scenarios where these do not 
apply (like small packages that include the runtime and the development files), 
which appears to be the case with qt5ct.  Can you please help me to understand 
why qt5ct is including this shared library, if there are any other packages in 
Debian that are building against this library, and if you feel that any of the 
lintian checks above apply?  If you feel they don’t apply I would recommend 
you add lintian overrides and I will be happy to upload your package.


Soren Stoutner

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