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Naming a new package for Debian

Hello, I am working on packaging a new program for Debian. I currently
have it successfully Debianized and the binary package installs and
works, but I still need to complete some metadata on it and fix the
remaining Lintian errors/warnings. However, I have a question on how to
name the package. It seems to generally be referred to by it's
executable name, tiv, which stands for Terminal Image Viewer. I was
going to name the Debian package tiv, but I don't know if that's
recommended to have such a short package name for a very specific piece
of software. The GitHub repo for it is called TerminalImageViewer, but
when it's compiled and installed, it is named tiv. The other, longer
package name I was considering was terminal-image-viewer, but that might
lead to confusion by a user installing it.


As another example, I did see an X11 image viewer that was just named
feh after it's executable so that might not be a big issue.

And second, this might be a question for a different list, but I'm not
sure how to best enter in the license information. According to their
LICENSE file, it can be redistributed under either the GPL 3.0 license
or the Apache 2.0 Software License, both approved for Debian. I was
considering just listing it as one of them, but I don't know if that's

Loren M. Lang

Public Key: ftp://ftp.north-winds.org/pub/lorenl_pubkey.asc
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