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Bug#1012286: RFS: zig/0.9.1-1 [ITP] -- Programming language

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Am 15.12.22 um 06:40 schrieb Nick Hastings:
Please use more wildcards so you do not have to list so many files.
This is where it gets tricky for me. As I understand it the last match
in d/copyright file is the one that applies. So for example, the block
starting at line 253 specifies a LGPL-2.1+ license for a bunch of files
under lib/libc/include/. Lines 253-270 explicitly list header files
under lib/libc/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/. So first thought is to
just list them all as a glob lib/libc/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/*
However on closer inspection I see that there is a file in that
directory that is not listed. Specifically
Inspecting this file and the others in the directory I see that
explicitly listed files contain the LGPL-2.1+ text, but that
endianness.h contains no license text. Thus endianness.h is actually
Expat license and is covered in the block starting on line 10 "Files:

So if I change the explicit list of files under
lib/libc/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/bits/ to a glob, I'll need to and
anther block later to explicitly list endianness.h as Expat.

Yes, you would use a glob for the LGPL files and add another block specifically
for the Expat-licensed file after the LGPL block.

Or is possible to not use a glob but instead use a regex that includes
everything other than endianness.h?

The only other wildcard is ? for a single char. So non-trivial patterns are not
really supported. Yes, this is a shortcoming but it also makes the patterns
easier to review.

I am expecting another review to be triggered by you.
Please untag moreinfo from this bug for this.

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