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Bug#1055951: RFS: multispeech/4.6.0-1 [ITP] -- Multilingual speech server for Emacspeak

Am Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 03:30:18PM +0300 schrieb Igor B. Poretsky:
> Hello Tobias,
> Great thanks for your review. I'll try to address all the issues listed,
> but several questions by the way below:
> >>>>> "Tobias" == Tobias Frost <tobi@debian.org> writes:
>     Tobias> d/changelog: - An initial upload to Debian only have one
>     Tobias> single entry, like "Initial Upload (Closes:
>     Tobias> #<your-itp-bug>)" (There are by definition no changes to the
>     Tobias> packaging on initial upload.)  - As an consequence, the
>     Tobias> debian revision must stay at -1 until sponsored.
> Ok, but how can I return to the -1 debian revision now in my upload on
> mentors.debian.net? And what should I do further if it will not be the
> last iteration?

You should be able to just re-upload to mentors. If it does not allow that,
remove the package manually from mentors, then re-upload. In the case a bot
auto-close this RFS bug, just manually re-open it (do not file a new one)

On further iterations, you keep at -1 until this is sponsored.

>     Tobias> - A library package needs a development package too.
> But this library is not intended for a third-party development. It just
> implements core functionality that is common for two different
> frontends.

Ok, it seems that this library package could be dropped, if it is solely
internal. This will also make the packaging easier, as libraries are always
a bit more advanced.

I'd either statically link this internal library, or just compile the
source files seperately for both flavours of your binary.

>     Tobias> - the library package must only contain the library, not
>     Tobias> configuration files nor manpages. (makes them breaking when
>     Tobias> an SONAME bump is required - see above about your Conflicts)
> But this configuration is common as well and it is parsed by the library
> functions. Can you give me some hint what should I do in this situation?

The usual approach is here to have a -data package for the library.
Is is a possible scenario that users want different configuration for the
different frontends? In this case, the frontends should ship (separate)
>     Tobias> d/libmultispeech.shlibs - Why do you need this file?
> For the version restriction in dependencies.

The Debian build system should be able to calculate dependencies on libraries
automatically, so obviously I'm missing some detail why this is not working

>     Tobias> d/libmultispeech.links - why do you need the link? Is
>     Tobias> multispeech to be invoked by the user directly or is it only
>     Tobias> to be invoked by emacs? (as the usr/share/emacs seems to
>     Tobias> indicate) (Disclaimer: I do not know anything about emacs
>     Tobias> extension.)
> Generally, it is used just by Emacspeak. This symlink is inherited
> historically from the old versions. Now I see no valuable reason for it.
>     Tobias> postinst - speech-dispatcher is using a systemd service
>     Tobias> file, if you really need to reload its configuration, you
>     Tobias> should use service speech-dispatcher reload and not kill it
>     Tobias> via kill. (you might overkill)
> Actually, it is not mandatory. Speech Dispatcher can as well be
> automatically spawned by a client. The kill command in this case just
> sends the SIGHUP signal, that does not kill or restart Speech
> Dispatcher, but only notifies it about a configuration change. It is
> documented behaviour of Speech Dispatcher. And I should notify every
> running instance regardless of the way it was launched by.

Additional data point: Looking at speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng, they are not
sending SIGHUP. So it seems not to be nedded, also not the service reload
(it seems to be discouraged to run it as system service)
> Best regards,
> Igor.


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