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Re: Question about non-responsive key-signing mate


On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 07:11:56PM +0100, Maarten van Geijn wrote:
> Of course it could be anything, but I am starting to feel hoodwinked. Does
> this happen more often? Any recommendation from you?

In big signing parties its pretty usual that a sizeable chunk never
signs your key, I suppose less so in small meetings, but the important
thing to remember here is that nobody has any obligation to sign a key
and there certainly is no handle to "force" someone to sign you back
even if they said they would.

Its not how signing a key works: You sign that you are reasonably sure
that this person is who they claim to be and are linked to certain keys.
It doesn't say anything about what they believe about you and your keys.
And if they sign you or not should have no bearing on your signature.

I can certainly understand that you are frustrated and feel cheated,
especially if you need (more) signatures to e.g. apply for DD status
and somehow the world seems to have conspired into making it especially
hard for you … but the world hasn't. There is probably a very easy and
reasonable explanation – my cat ate it –, but perhaps you will never
get to know them – my cat is very sorry but I am way too embarrassed to
tell anyone – and while it is frustrating to not know, it isn't very
healthy to dwell on it either.

If I were you, I would just let it rest and look for other signing
opportunities. Perhaps even key endorsements are an option.

As the saying goes: a watched pot never boils.
I have received signatures months later… and I wasn't always the fasted
signer either [surprisingly, trying to keep your certification key off-
line and air-gapped somehow makes it a bit of a time-consuming ordeal to
actual use it, so I might end up putting it off and off and …].

Imagine for a moment we weren't talking about key signing, but you two
had meet for a date. Terms like ghosting and stalking come to mind and
so this thread reads like a very dark and scary place to be in.
Lets get the hell out of here…

Best regards

David Kalnischkies, who – full disclosure – isn't even a domestic
 servant for a cat currently nor did he sign a key in a long while

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