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Re: Debian versioning question

On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 11:52:30PM +0200, Preuße, Hilmar wrote:
> The upstream minor versions are always determined by letters, so I'm unsure
> how to make clear that 1.3.8a+ is later than 1.3.8+. Any hints?

This is a real sad interaction between the letters and the + in this
Clearly the best solution would be to not need to repack anymore, this
would throw the problem away.  What's even the point of carrying the RFC
in the tarball nowadays?

Another solution would be to change the character used to separate the
'dfsg' string.  + tends to be preferred, but you could use ~ with the
same result most of the time, and it would likewise fix the problem:
    % dpkg --compare-versions 1.3.8a~dfsg-1 gt 1.3.8~dfsg-1
        => TRUE

Lastly, you could convince upstream to *always* release their first
release with the trailing character, so there are not release that end
with a number, similar to tzdata.

That said, for this 1.3.8 case you are quite stuck, as you can't do any
of the above.  The only option that comes to my mind is to just mess up
the upstream version string to something like 1.3.8.a+dfsg, and keep at
that until 1.3.9 comes out.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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