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Bug#1053478: RFS: angband/4.2.5+dfsg-1 -- roguelike game

>First off, why is the repo within the Games Team's namespace when you are the Maintainer?
>I suggest to make it a properly team-maintained package.

I'm afraid I don't really understand your question. The repo is where it is because Alexandre created it and invited me to collaborate with him. I don't know what you mean by "a properly team-maintained package" if our collaboration is not such. 

>Looking at the upstream diff, I do not find the license and/or copyirght info for the following
>files in debian/copyright:

Are they not covered by this stanza, lines 12-14? It is intended to refer to any file not otherwise specified.

Files: *
Copyright: 1989-2023 Angband contributors
License: GPL-2 or Angband

Thanks for your interest,


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