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Re: Upload to NEW rejected

On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 23:51:26 +0200, Preuße, Hilmar wrote:

My guess is different lintian versions, aka ftp-master running an
older lintian version which had a different formatting of the output.

Compare the strings:

> texlive-binaries: lintian output: 'embedded-library usr/bin/pdftex: poppler', automatically rejected package.

embedded-library usr/bin/pdftex: poppler


> texlive-binaries: embedded-library poppler [usr/bin/pdftex]

embedded-library poppler [usr/bin/pdftex]

Not sure what the best option here is; I guess I'd try with
duplicating the lintian overrides using the old format (which will
give you local warnings but well …)


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