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Re: Bug#1021959: RFS: electrum/4.3.2-0.1 [NMU] [RC] -- Easy to use Bitcoin client

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 1:41:51 PM MST Bastian Germann wrote:

> Okay, those tests can fail. Still there is some stuff to do on the package:

> Please fix the reprotest at

> https://salsa.debian.org/cryptocoin-team/electrum/-/jobs/3398402, which

> used to passed

Do you know why this is failing?  The applicable line appears to be:

Binary files /builds/cryptocoin-team/electrum/debian/output/reprotest/control/source-root/python3-electrum_4.3.2+ds1-1+salsaci_all.deb and /builds/cryptocoin-team/electrum/debian/output/reprotest/experiment-1/source-root/python3-electrum_4.3.2+ds1-1+salsaci_all.deb differ

However, I can’t see any indication *why* they differ.  I assume that is is building it in two ways and comparing the output, but I don’t understand what the difference between those two build environments are or why they are producing different output.

> , and the lintian errors at

> https://salsa.debian.org/cryptocoin-team/electrum/-/jobs/3398403:


> E: electrum source: source-is-missing [electrum/www/jquery-3.4.1.min.js]

> E: electrum source: source-is-missing [electrum/www/jquery-ui.min.js]

> E: electrum source: source-is-missing [electrum/www/qrcode.js]


> If the sources of these minified js files are included in the source tree,

> add a lintian override with a comment where it is. Else, please add the

> source to debian/missing-sources/. Extra points for replacing the files

> with the versions from Debian packages (if possible).

These same Lintian errors exist in the current 4.0.9-1 package.


In preparing the 4.3.2 update I fixed all the Lintian errors that were directly related to the update as well as any of the low-hanging Lintian errors that did not require invasive changes to the package.  My goal was to make contact with, Tristan Seligmann, the package maintainer and also coordinate with upstream about the best way to remove these files, instead using the jQuery that is included with Debian.

If I am not able to contact Tristan Seligmann I plan on creating a future upload that does this work anyway, perhaps becoming the package maintainer myself.  I also, at the same time, plan to make other more invasive package changes, like replacing the embedded version of Kivy with the Debian-packaged one and replacing the fonts that ship within the python3-electrum package with those in their respective Debian packages.

Because this Lintian error existed in the previous packages and because it does not relate the RC bug that this upload is attempting to fix I was planning to wait for a future release to fix it.  Do you think it would be best to deal with it now without input from Tristan Seligmann?


> I reviewed your changes. Please do not introduce a compat file on packages

> that already use debhelper-compat.

Thanks for catching that.  I went to fix it in the Git repository, but I see you have already done so.

> The debian/copyright needs some more

> changes. Search the upstream import commit for newly added copyright lines

> and new license texts.

I very carefully looked though all the files in the source and the output of licensecheck to create the copyright file.  If you compare it to the copyright file from 4.0.9-1 you will see that it is much improved and fixes many inaccuracies that existed in the 4.0.9-1 Debian package.  I am fairly sure that the current copyright file is comprehensively correct, but feel free to point out anything I have missed.

On a different topic, I see that you replaced the included distutils with the Debian system one.  Thank you for doing that.  (I created an MR that updates debian/copyright to include your copyright on that patch.)


Soren Stoutner


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