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Re: Testing package on mipsel and armel

On 9/14/22 07:32, Bo YU wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 09:45:45AM -0400, Aaron Boxer wrote:
I currently have failed builds on mipsel and armel archs.
For these systems, it appears that I need to link explicitly
to libatomic. I've added the link flag, but the failures persist.

Any suggestions on setting up VMs for these architectures so
I can directly debug my builds ?

I just setup they some day ago on x86 pc:
(maybe it need binfmt-support or qemu-binfmt)

sudo sbuild-createchroot --debootstrap=mmdebstrap --arch=mipsel \
         --make-sbuild-tarball=/srv/sid-mipsel-sbuild.tgz \
         sid /tmp/chroots/sid-mipsel-sbuild/ \

# and sudo sbuild-createchroot --debootstrap=mmdebstrap --arch=armel \
         --make-sbuild-tarball=/srv/sid-armel-sbuild.tgz \
         sid /tmp/chroots/sid-armel-sbuild/ \

They will setup their arch chroot then can use sbuild to build the

`sbuild --arch=mipsel -c sid-mipsel-sbuild `

I have a similar issue where a libatomic-related bug was filed against a package I maintain¹ but buildd results indicate the relevant platforms (arm64 and armel in my case) are passing. Are there different test environments in play on the servers and/or does this affect whether libatomic is linked in automatically?

(Apologies for derailing the thread if my problem is unrelated to Aaron’s)

¹ https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1018205

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