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Re: parse SPDX-License-Identifier to produce copyright file

Better yet, if you use the REUSE tool to extract an SPDX file, this
utility I wrote can coalesce it into a more human-usable  DEP5-format
debian/copyright file:


It's not suitable for use directly in a package, but it's a good
starting point and can be filled out further.

Allegedly SPDX support is in progress for the normal Debian license
scanning toolchain (used by cme among other tools) but I'm not sure of
the status nor do I have a bug number immediately available.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 2:26 PM Dominik George <natureshadow@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Does there exist a tool for Debian that will parse a package directory (its
> > source files), extract the "SPDX-License-Identifier:" and produce something
> > that would fit into a machine-readable debian/copyright file?
> AFAIK, the reuse tool (which also generates these annoying headers) can do that. At least, it has some sort of DEP-5 mode.
> -nik

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