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Re: pbuilder not updating

On Thu, 2022-07-14 at 17:49 -0400, Matt Barry wrote:

> I imagine I'm missing something simple wrt pbuilder.. any ideas where
> to look?

Are you getting any errors from the pbuilder update command?

Are you updating the same chroot as you are building with?

You can also add a hook that does apt update before the build:

   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/D01update <==
   exec apt-get update
Sometimes it is useful to have a shell during the build, which you
can use to do things you forgot to do in the packaging or elsewhere.

   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/A00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/B00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/C00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/D00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/E00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/G00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/H00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/I00shell -> shell <==
   ==> ~/.pbuilder/hooks/shell <==
   exec /bin/bash -i </dev/tty > /dev/tty 2> /dev/tty

There are various pbuilder hook examples here:


More pbuilder tips and tricks here:




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