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help about package transitions


About two monthes ago, kilobyte help me to  upload jimtcl to exp.
But now I have some questions about debian package transitions [0].
* Now it has displayed on the ben page[1] with "auto-" string
* And it is ok to build on all arch for the previous upload(0.79+dfsg0-3)
* But what is "Test rebuild reverse dependencies"?
vimer@dev:~$ apt-rdepends -r libjim0.79
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
 Reverse Depends: jimsh (>= 0.79+dfsg0-3)
 Reverse Depends: libjim-dev (= 0.79+dfsg0-3)
 Reverse Depends: openocd (>= 0.11.0-1)
 Reverse Depends: usb-modeswitch (>= 2.6.1-3)
 Reverse Depends: hdmi2usb-mode-switch (>= 0.0.1-2)
Need I to build openocd and usb-modeswitch packages with jim0.81?

* Request a transition slot from the release team (reportbug release.debian.org)
Should I send transition request?(sure, there is a template to copy)
* Wait for ACK. Ok, I understand it. The ack from release team.
* Upload to unstable after ACK. Ok, you had told me :)
* NMU reverse dependencies as needed? What is the meaning?
NMU is Non-maintainer upload, but why it has related with reverse dependencies?

Oh, sorry, I have asked so many questions about the transitions:(
I am ashamed because there is transitions doc detailed. But for me, I had to figure out the mechanism if want to maintain the package

Thank you,


[0]: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions
[1]: https://release.debian.org/transitions/

Best Regards,

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