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Bug#1010663: RFS: strawberry/1.0.4-1 [ITP] -- Audio player and music collection organizer

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On Fri, 6 May 2022 13:11:37 +0100
Peter <peter@pblackman.plus.com> wrote:

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "strawberry":

hi Peter,

like pollo, I'm puzzled by the mention on the ITP bug of the package
being in NEW at some point, only to vanish into thin air? Would be
nice to know what happened to it, if only to avoid running into the
same problems. Maybe Thomas would like to chime in on this?

That said, I took a look anyway. Some comments and observations:
- There's an unused manpage in the debian dir, an apparent leftover
  from the earlier packaging effort
- Copyright:
  * missing copyright holder "Pascal Below" (for various
    scrobbler-related files)
  * missing info for 3rdparty/macdeployqt
  * wrong license for 3rdparty/SPMediaKeyTap
  * is upstream the sole contributor to the debian packaging?
  * MIT and Expat license definitions appear identical, please use
    Expat as the license name throughout and remove the duplicate
  * the content of the license paragraphs for GPL-3 and GPL-3+ is
    identical (but obviously shouldn't be)
  * be careful to exclude copyright claims, comments, etc. from the
    license paragraphs; i.e. make the definitions for the BSD-style
    licenses start at "Redistribution and use..." so they're generic
    and re-usable; everything else belongs in the Files paragraphs
- Control:
  * short description shouldn't start with caps
  * hardcoded libsqlite3-0 library dependency should be handled by
    ${shlibs:Depends} (libqt5sql5-sqlite is only recommended by the
    qt sql lib so that one might actually be justified)
  * a slightly newer standards-version out has come out recently
  * VCS: consider setting up a git repo on salsa.debian.org for your
    packaging work and enabling the CI there: it's a great quality
    control and collaboration tool, and a real timesaver for reviewers
- Docs: upstream changelog installed as doc rather than as changelog
  (via dh_installchangelogs)
- Rules: better list those files in d/clean instead of using an
- Upstream/metadata: is a github user page -even that of the lead
  developer- really the best place to contact the upstream project? 
- Watch: unused dversionmangling

- Build: why -fpermissive?

- FHS: according to its manpage, the tagreader binary "is not meant to
  be run on its own"; is /usr/bin really where it should be installed?
  See https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/ (libexec?)

- Lintian: 
  * I: strawberry: desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry

- Tests: upstream ships a testsuite; if possible, please run it on
  build and/or deploy it as an autopkgtest

Please remove the moreinfo tag (and CC me directly) once you have an
updated package ready.

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