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Re: Question regarding adding my application to Debian

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 02:41:03PM +0200, Leon Styhre wrote:
> Thank you for your quick reply!
> Yes there is a software package automatically generated when creating a
> release on GitLab.
> For example https://gitlab.com/leonstyhre/emulationstation-de/-/archive/v1.1.0/emulationstation-de-v1.1.0.tar.gz
> It's as simple as running "cmake . && make" to build it, assuming all
> dependencies (which are all part of Debian) are fulfilled.
> There are also detailed build instructions available at
> https://gitlab.com/leonstyhre/emulationstation-de/-/blob/master/INSTALL.md
Yup, that doesn't use Debian source packages.

> I'm not sure what "good enough" means in this context 
In the contex of Debian source packages "good enough to be ready for
reviewing" means "mostly conformant to Debian packaging practices. But you
don't have a Debian source package.

> The reason I mention that there is already a .deb package available is that
> the software is working fine on Debian-based systems, is following the
> Debian directory structure, contains a proper man page etc.
Sure, but until you have a Debian source package that builds those debs
you have nothing to be reviewed and uploaded, so you should start with
making one.

> I will then proceed to file a WNPP bug report of the type RFP.
> It is good quality software and there is currently nothing equivalent on
> Debian so I hope someone will be able to support with maintaining the
> package!
> If I understood the documentation correctly, since I'm asking for help for
> someone to maintain the Debian package, I should not proceed with the other
> steps such as publishing the package, look for a sponsor etc?
> Thanks!
It wasn't clear from your initial message that you don't intend to
maintain it yourself. In this case you indeed can only file an RFP (though
that doesn't mean anybody will act on it and an RFP is not needed for
someone to package something).


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