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Re: Debian/watch file does not ignore beta version

On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 10:01 PM Hilmar Preuße wrote:

> uversionmangle=s/(\d)[_\.\-\+]?((RC|rc|pre|dev|beta|alpha)\d*)$/$1~$2/,\
> According to [1] the entry "uversionmangle=..." should handle the case
> that there could be beta/rc versions, which should be ignored. When
> doing an uscan now it downloads happily version v1.3.8rc1, which is
> available from upstream, instead of the expected 1.3.7b.

Using uscan --verbose helps diagnose the issue:

uversionmangle just adds the ~ character into rc versions in the right
place, it doesn't make the matched versions disappear. Since there is
no v1.3.8 tag yet, the latest tag v1.3.8rc1 gets assigned version
1.3.8~rc1, which is later than the 1.3.7b version.

There are two ways to make the rc versions disappear:

Make the version matching regex ignore them.

Make uversionmangle change their versions so they are earlier than all
the other versions.

Personally I would do neither of these and instead start uploading
beta/rc versions to experimental, you can get valuable feedback from
CI/users this way that can then feed back upstream to fix any issues
before the final release.

PS: I suggest using mode=git, because the GitHub tags pages are
paginated, cutting off older versions.



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