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RFH: Debian derivatives census

Hi all,

I'm looking for collaborators on the Debian derivatives census. The
census involves a mixture of social and technical work as well as
following different information feeds to find new Debian derivatives
and passing information to other Debian teams and folks.


I believe the census is valuable to Debian and to derivatives and that
it helps build mutually beneficial connections between us and the wider
community of Free Software distributions. Derivatives bring new people,
perspectives and projects to Debian, conference sponsorship and more.
Derivatives benefit from collaboration with Debian through learning
from our community, increased exposure to the Debian audience and of
course our software distribution and services.

I'm looking for folks who are not very involved in Debian and would
like to increase their involvement. The current codebase involves Make,
Python, SQL, Shell and small amounts of Perl but if you don't know
these yet I'll be happy to help you learn enough that you can
contribute. In addition to the census codebase itself, work on the
census can involve working on the codebases of other Debian services,
such as the Debian Package Tracker.


The census service is currently disabled until the patch part of the
service is refactored to use a database instead of YAML so that loading
metadata about the patches doesn't use all the RAM on the machine. I
haven't had the spoons to tackle this issue just yet.




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