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Multiple Profiles in a single build-simple-cdd build

Hi mentors,

Can build-simple-cdd build a CD using multiple profiles using .conf file?

I managed to build a custom CD version under a single profile using a local
working directory. However, I failed many times with merging multiple profiles

1. First attempt (using space)
profiles="custom util"
export CONTRIB=1
export NONFREE=1
mirror_components="main contrib non-free"

2. Second attempt (using comma)
export CONTRIB=1
export NONFREE=1
mirror_components="main contrib non-free"

Both profiles has their independent .packages. The custom is responsible
for installing ufw (which both did) while util.packages is responsible
for installing
tree (which both failed).

I'm aware default.profiles will always get included so there must be a way.
Man pages does not explain much either.

Please shed some light. Thanks in adv.

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